Sunday, January 25, 2009

101 Things in 1,001 Days

I love lists! I love writing them and I love crossing things off. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I recently came across a wonderful idea to write a list of 101 things to complete in 1,001 days. Things I have been putting off, things that would make others feel good, things that would make me feel good..... They may be big, they may be small, but as long as you complete the task it is a success.

101 Things in 1,001 Days
Beginning January 16, 2009
Ending October 14, 2011

Not yet started

In progress


1. Write letters to Grandpa Bertolin, Grandma Oleson and Aunt Charlotte once a month.
2. Send pictures to my in-laws once a month.
3. Take kids camping in tent in backyard.
4. Give Birth! Praise God this task is complete! Alexander Reed was born June 02 at 10:24 pm!
5. Completely finish downstairs bathroom.
(paint wall) 01-24-09 (sew curtain for washer and dryer)
(paint woodwork) 02-10-09 (recaulk tub)
(purchase bathmat)
(Purchase tan washcloths and handtowels)
(new sink faucet)
(build shelving unit) 01/27/09
6. Have wisdom teeth pulled-I have put this off for over 17 years!
7. Have teeth cleaned every six months and cavities filled.
8. Have bottom teeth straightened.
9. Save $1,000 in savings account.
10. Build a tornado shelter in basement.
11. Learn to knit.
12. Learn to sew properly.
13. Make a dress for myself.
14. Reduce credit card debt.
15. Grow my own luffa sponge.
16. Make homemade butter.
17. Sell Celica.
18. Reduce swearing-also a very difficult task!
19. Hang dry clothes on all nice days. since it is now winter I won't be able to do this, but I do love my clothes with that nice fresh air smell
20. Make homemade mayonnaise.

21. Knit myself a scarf.
22. Have more patience with the dogs. Our obnoxious dog is no longer with us so it is much easier to be patient with the two old ladies we have left.
23. Have vehicles maintained when necessary.

24. Go to a movie with Bill once a month.
25. Host a dinner for friends every three months.
26. Have chairs recovered in parlor. 07-16-09 I got some pretty slipcovers that make the chairs look brand new.
27. Start playing the piano again.

28. Take a trip to VA. We took a hellish trip to VA the first week of Oct. I don't think we will be traveling again until the kids get older!
29. Research how Hitler died. He died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot to the head

for those of you who didn't know.
30. Learn more about politics.
31. Varnish all kitchen cabinets.
32. Build guest room in basement.
33. Take all donations to Goodwill or give away on Freecycle. 02-18-09
34. Get my business "Perfectly Imperfect" on the Paxton website. Instead of having a website
I have decided to open my own store. It is in the works right now! The store has been opened! July 3rd, 2010
35. After giving birth incorporate exercise into daily routine.

36. Give up Diet Pepsi for one week.
37. Give up Diet Pepsi for one month.
38. Learn how to use Etsy. I signed up for Etsy in September of 2009
39. Finish painting the exterior of our house.
40. Learn to golf.
41. Take Jack to the dentist. Jack had his first teeth cleaning in October of 2009
42. Potty train Jack.
Yay!! We finally did it and it only took about 2 weeks!
43. Can salsa with ingredients grown in my gardens.
44. Grow flowers that can be dried and used in wreaths.
45. Make all cleaning supplies.
46. Learn to make lye soap.
47. Learn to make candles.
48. Save $5.00 a week in each childs savings account.
49. Learn how to make jewelry.
50. Make homemade bread once a week.
51. Write letters to my children.
52. Learn to make a proper bow for wreaths.
53. Donate food to food pantry. 11-22-09
54. Make at least two crafts per week.
55. Pay mom back.
56. Jar my own pickles.
57. Plant a blueberry bush. 03/29/10
58. Attempt to make my own organic beauty products.
59. Pay one extra mortgage payment per year.
60. Make an authentic Indian meal for Bill. 01/19/10 Yum!
61. Build a bat house.
62. Build boxes for vegetable garden.
63. Finish moms scrapbooks. I finished one in Feb.
64. Have Grace and Alex baptized.
65. Spend more time reading to the kids.
66. Visit Stelle, IL.
67. Learn to shoot a gun.
68. Have TV's fixed.
69. Buy a water barrel for garden use. Bill got me a water barrel for my 34th birthday!
70. Have my disgusting mole removed.

71. Have cholesterol checked.
72. Plant a fruit tree. On November 08, 2009 I planted 3 paw paw trees and 1 persimmon tree.
73. Take the kids to see the ocean. Bill and I took the kids to see the Chesapeake Bay in Norfolk VA in October of 2009
74. Read a book that normally would not interest me.

75. Paint woodwork in entire house.
76. Get a library card. 04-30-09
77. Make a quilt.
78. Grow my own peanuts and make peanut butter.
79. Make homemade syrup. 01-21-09
80. Finally watch Amelie. 02-02-09
81. Overcome my fear of vomit. This one I am dreading the most. I can't say that I have "overcome" my fear, but I can actually deal with it now. Grace was in the hospital a couple of days ago because she had RSV. She was throwing up liver bile and I didn't die. I think that is as good as it is going to get.
82. Take a class.

83. Make irrigation system for garden.
84. Make a growhouse in basement for seedlings.
85. Take 30 minutes a day to read.
86. Get a pedicure.
87. Cook more meals in advance and freeze them. I have done it all summer, but will continue in the winter
88. Buy or make Christmas gifts in advance.

89. Instead of buying Christmas gifts for nieces and nephews donate gifts to needy children.
90. Get a tan!
91. Go an entire day with no TV.
92. Send cards and gifts on time.
93. Make my own toothpaste. 04-15-09 Yuck!
94. Make a new friend. Yay!!
95. Write Fiona a letter. I finally found her on facebook!
96. Eat every meal at the kitchen table for one month. We did it the entire month of March 2009 and will continue, especially since I steam cleaned my carpets!
97. Floss my teeth every night.
98. No eating out for one month. I started on November 1st 2009 and finished Dec. 1st.
99. Have a family portrait taken.
100.Take walks more often.
101.Grow an avocado tree.