Saturday, August 1, 2009


Well, my intentions to have a blog were good, but unfortunately my time is limited so I barely have time to write. Whoever said that there is no difference between having one and two kids is a big, fat liar. Somedays my head is swimming and my patience is very thin. Other days are wonderful and my children make me happier than anything in the world. Those are the days I try to remember because lately there have been more hectic than calm days. Alex is colicky and also has acid reflux and can scream like a woman. He cries and cries and cries and you get my drift? It leaves me very little time to maintain my house, which I am obsessed with, but I know these days will pass and will be forgotten just as they were with Jack and Grace. My mom reminded me of a poem my Grandma Hazel cross-stitched for her when we were young:

I hope my children look back on today
and see a parent who had time to play.
There will be years for cleaning and cooking
but children grow up when we're not looking.
Ain't that the truth? Jack is starting preschool soon and Gracie will be having her second birthday this month. It seems like their "baby days" are gone and now I am having conversations with both of them. It's crazy. Where in the world did that time go? So, as for my blog I will write now and again. It's hard to type when you have a baby on your lap and a kid hanging off of each arm!

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